Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Career Fair 101


I have been receiving many questions on how to best approach the career fair.  Below is an excerpt from my Big 4 Hiring Guide book that I like to all "Career Fair 101."

Career Fair 101
On the day of the career fair the recruiters from the Big 4 will be inundated by you and every other accounting student in your class. You have two goals. First, you must make yourself known to the recruiters and obtain at least one business card. Second, you must manage not to give the    wrong impression or you will risk your resume being "accidentally left behind."

Below are the 5 steps to make sure that you achieve both these goals. Note that these tips can be applied to any casual interaction with Big 4 staff.

1) Approach with Ease - Typically there is some sort of receiving line where you will wait your turn to speak to the recruiter. Don't be nervous! The Big 4 purposely send their friendliest and most inviting staff to these events, so this is not the place to be intimidated. When it is your turn,  shake  hands  with  the  recruiter  and  greet  them  with  a  smile. Introduce yourself firmly and hand them a copy of your resume.

2) Do your homework - Big 4's meet and greet so many students that think that they want a career in public accounting but don't know why. You  should  know  why  a  career  in  accounting  is  right  for  you  and express that to the recruiter. Rather than simply saying "I want to be an accountant," add some more information. For example, "I am interested in auditing public companies and gaining experience with SEC clients." By letting them know that you understand their business, at least to some degree, you will separate yourself from those individuals  who simply crave the Big 4 name on their resume.

3) Ask a Good Question - After showing that you have a head on your shoulders, wow them again with a great  question. People love to talk about themselves, recruiters included. Ask a sincere question such as "If you could  offer me one piece of advice to be successful with (Insert Company)  what  would  it  be."  This  will  get  them  talking,  thereby increasing your face time, and will show them that you value their input and advice. Further,  they  will subconsciously feel a vested interest in your success, as they have shared their advice, and will be more likely to put in a good word for you when they submit their resumes to their boss.

4) Keep it Brief - After a brief discourse it is best to be on your way. You do not want to be that guy (or girl) that stands around yapping for an hour, wasting everyone’s time (and there is always one). This will NOT leave a good impression. You are there to put your face to your resume and leave on a positive note. Once you've completed this there is no use taking the risk of saying something stupid.

5) Take a Business Card - As you leave, ask the recruiter for a card. Begin building a horde of these as they will be invaluable in the future. The  contacts  you  meet  at  the  career  fair  are  excellent  resources  to bounce questions off in the future. They are typically not the same staff you will interview with and can be a valuable source of candid advice.

Repeat for all Big 4 Companies present.

Follow these five steps and you will be sure to leave a great impression and have your foot one step farther in the door!

To learn more about the Big 4 hiring process, please check out my website, Big4Guru.com, and my book, Big 4 Hiring Guide.

1 comment:

  1. As you leave, ask the recruiter for a card. Begin building a horde of these as they will be invaluable in the future. this website
