The beginning of the new semester brings the most important time in the Big 4 recruiting process: the fall recruiting season. This process, which typically spans September through November, is when the majority of the summer internship positions for the following summer are filled, as well as the full-time positions for the following year. If you will be entering your sophomore year this fall, you are the prime candidate for a summer internship in the summer of 2014. If you’re entering your senior or 5th year (Masters), the hiring process for 2014 full-time positions will be beginning in September.
If you haven’t already, check out our eBook, the Big 4 Guru’s Book of Secrets. This will give you all the information you need on how to get your foot in the door and successfully navigate the Big 4 meet-and-greets, interviews and everything else that makes up the Fall Recruiting season. If you take away one thing from this post, let it be this: it is NOT TOO EARLY TO START PREPARING.
Thanks and best of luck!